brosdee's view

me, you and everyone else....

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

I can remember being at work that morning
It started with a hush
Then spreads like a rumour
A phone call
Apprehensive voices on the other end
Another 9 11
Only this time it was very close
Less than 20 miles from where I was working

Then the rumour was confirmed
There was a staff briefing
We are currently under attack
Some people are bombing us

Who are they?
The usual suspect
No! Which year are you living?

The terrorists
The guys who fights their war by instilling fear on others
They are the true messenger of the devil
What is their message?
‘Put fear in them then they live by the creed of darkness’

I used to work in Edgeware Road
And I frequent one of the station that was bombed
I could have been in the train that morning
So I was targeted too
We were all targeted

So we have to fight back
By saying ‘No fear’
We won’t live in fear
Give no room to unnecessary discussions
That excuses the terrible act

They said it was because of Afghanistan and Iraq
Was there any foreign occupation of Kabul and Baghdad, on the morning of September 11?
That is the question they should answer
They’ve always wanted to rule us by fear
And they won’t succeed if we don’t allow them

Where were you on the morning of July 7, 2005?
Share your story here

In memory of those who lost their lives.