brosdee's view

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Friday, January 20, 2006

The calibration for exploits in the spiritual is confidence. The degree of how confident you are is the degree of how far you’ll go. Your strength is determined by your confidence. Before slinging the shot that fell the giant, David slew the giant in his mind with the weapon of confidence. I am of the opinion that Goliath wasn't expecting anybody to really challenge him, he was half-defeated when he saw the ruddy shepherd boy.

I haven't stayed much in this world to know this: Life is as difficult as we see it. There are situations that just need your sheer confidence, which is based on God's word.

There is always a temptation for us to confuse timidity for humility. And God boldly declares that such spirits of timidity and fear are not from Him. Looking at life from the mirror of defeat and what-gonna-be-gonna-be is not a christian life. That is from the devil.

‘Let us come boldly…’ that is the language of the spirit to you today. Nobody attains great heights for God without some measure of audacity and confidence. As you move in life, learn to work and speak with confidence. Such confidence springs from the knowledge of who you are, and what you really want. You need clarity of mind and purpose. You need to know where you are actually going. Spend more time to know God and you’ll be strong and act confidently.